27 July 2024 Rhino Night Relay !!!!

Motorbike Night Relay Race to raise funds for Rhino Revolution

*When : 27 July 2024
*Where : Sam's Enduro Track (Sam's Farm)
*Event Entry Fee : R 250 per person ( Calf loop - R 100 per kiddo )
*Format : One member of each team will take off on their lap, once
member 1 is back, member 2 can take off.
The team that completes the most laps wins a special prize, there will also be a 2nd and 3rd place special prize this year (Night Race Only). All Calf Loop and Amateur entrants will automatically be entered into the lucky draw taking place after the Night race.
*MSA License : NO this is not a race it is a fun event
*MX & Enduro bike friendly
*Entries : Race Control , entering prior assists with catering - payment can be done on the day as well as entries will be open on the day -
www.racecontrol.co.za Race Control - CASH only on the day or EFT prior.
*The main event is at night - you will need a form of lights - special prize for the " Best Lit Bike "
Calf Loop ( Kiddies Loop ) - Registration : 08:30- 08:45, event starts 09:00 and the loop will close at 11:00 - goody bag hand out to take place at 11:15- lucky draws will take place at the evening's event.
Amateur Loop ( Day Light ) - Registration 11:30 - 11:45, event starts at 12:00 and the loop will close at 14:00 - lucky draws will take place at the evening's event.
Night Relay - Registration 16:00 - 17:00, event starts at 17:30 and the loop will close latest 20:30 - lucky draws will take place from 21:00. - You will need a light to compete in this night relay.
RAFFLE#1 - WIN A 24V 1600W Inverter !!! Proudly sponsored by Hitec Batteries - R 50 per ticket. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event or can be purchased prior to the event, you do not have to be present at the draw of this raffle to qualify however should the units have to be couriered it will be at your own cost. CASH ONLY on the day but you can EFT prior.
RAFFLE #2 - WIN a AllCut Power Products HIGH PRESSURE WASHER - R50 per ticket. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event or can be purchased prior to the event, you do not have to be present at the draw of this raffle to qualify however should the unit have to be couriered it will be at your own cost. CASH ONLY on the day but you can EFT prior. RAFFLE #3 - WIN a 55L AFRicooler valued at R 3500. R50 per ticket. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event or can be purchased prior to the event, you do not have to be present at the draw of this raffle to qualify however should the unit have to be couriered it will be at your own cost. CASH ONLY on the day but you can EFT prior.
Spectator friendly - NO entrance fee
*Food Trucks (Currie, Pancakes, ChipnDip, Boerewors Rolls etc. )
*Booze Truck / Bar
*Coffee Truck
*MC Derek Cuénod has some good music and entertainment in store
Please whatsapp 071 884 3686 should you have any questions.
Thank you to our incredible sponsors for making this year possible

There is mind blowing lucky draws up for grabs !
Hitec Batteries Innova - The Creative Techs Overberg Stretch Tents Eastern Cape Race Control Ian Kleyn Electrical Keymaster Starlight Decor Beauty Perfection Hudson Auto Charlotte Barnard DARK WATER OPS MS Racing Team Roger Hilligan Dirt Magic Calvin Daly ECO Tanks Drip IV Lounge Algoa Steel Port Elizabeth Lekker kuier hout. Noelex Labels Toilet Hire East Cape Auto Motorcycles InterSec Access Slake Enduro Houdini Locksmith and Security Services AllCut Power Products Universal Power Corporation DS Trellys and burglar proofing Piri Solar Distributors and Wholesalers CCD Electrical Profiles FX Graphic Media M&A Contractors Villa Tuscana Isi's Corner Car Wash Solid Pave and Repairs DM Cabling Port Elizabeth Medic Assist - 24 Jennifer Leigh Anderssen Timmy Young #104 Gold Hub Monkey Matters Eastern Cape Cornerstone Brewing Co.
Our incredible photographer Matt Seeber Photography Mk.photography will be there to capture all the moments !